506 S Hunt Club Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703

Four Benefits of Summer Dance Camps in Apopka

Four Benefits of Summer Dance Camps in Apopka

Four Benefits of Summer Dance Camps in Apopka

Summer is officially here, which mean that parents are looking for many ways for their kids to spend their time.  Once school is out of session, kids will be looking for ways to stay busy, engaged, active, and social.  This can be a challenge for parents that do not know where to look.  However, 3D Motion Dance is happy to announce that we offer summer dance camps in Apopka to keep your child entertained, active, and focused on what they enjoy.  These are some of the benefits of enrolling your child in a summer dance camp.

Learn New Skills

Dance camps are designed to teach young dancers a new set of skills quickly.  Unlike the year-long dance classes, these camps focus on intensive learning that provides dancers with a chance to leave feeling confident in their dance skills.  When the leave class, they may find a new love for the type of dance they have been working on for the entire summer.

Stay Active

It can be easy for children to spend their time behind their computer screens or scrolling on their phones for hours, even in the summertime.  This is how they stay connected.  However, this inactivity can become a problem for both your child and you as parents.  Keeping your child busy and active will benefit everyone in the family, and it will promote the overall physical health of your children.

Beat Boredom

For kids that are used to going to school for seven hours a day, summer can get boring.  Without a full calendar of activities, friends, and homework, there may seem like nothing to do.  Enter dance camps.  These camps will give your child something to focus on so that they do not get bored.  Even when they are not at camp, they will be able to practice and fine tune their new dance skills that they are learning during the classes.

Gain Social Opportunities

During the summer, kids do not have a chance to see many of their friends that they are used to seeing everyday during the school year.  Although this year they are more accustomed to the distance, it is important to give them opportunities to socialize.  Even though dance classes are focused on learning, they still give young dancers a chance to make new friends and enjoy being around other young dancers like themselves.

These are a few of the benefits of enrolling in summer dance camps in Apopka.  When you are looking for something to keep your child busy, consider trying dance classes this summer.  They may even find something that they love doing for many years to come.  Contact 3D Motion Dance to hear about our schedule of dance camps this summer.